Twin Flames and Attachment

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 72 - In this episode, Michele talks about attachment and how that plays out on the Twin Flame journey. "On my own journey I’ve been challenged with attachment a lot and yet—nothing has taught me more about what unconditional love is and what unconditional love isn’t—than attachment. And nothing has taught me more about what attachment really is—than my Twin Flame journey. So why do we attach? We attach because it’s what we’re taught. We first learn about emotional attachment—as you know—when we’re an infant and we form a bond with our mother or whoever took care of us. Growing up we needed food, shelter, guidance and love. Then, as we grew older—and based on the dynamics of our family—our attachment style developed. However, as we journeyed into adulthood—we often confused love with need—we confused what our parent’s needs and beliefs were with our own soul’s truth—we listened to society’s thoughts about love and this informed us—and then we transferred those same needs, beliefs and thought patterns onto our partners or now—onto our Twin Flame. Of course we all need love to survive. But if the source of that love is external—we’ll always be in need and in lack. Because no one person can fulfill our empty cup. It will never be enough. Let’s look at the dynamics of the Twin Flame relationship. First we must acknowledge that the feelings we have for this other person are unlike anything we’ve ever felt before or experienced. The connection runs deep—this soul to soul connection can shake us to our core. And then—in almost every situation—there are big obstacles that keep us apart. So if that’s the case—if this were any other person or relationship—we might say—well this obviously is not working out and must not be for me and I’ll let it go. But because we’ve recognized ourself in this other person—you could even say we’ve laid eyes on our soul from a different perspective—how are we supposed to let our soul go? How do we not desire and want this other person—who feels like home? This is when the attachment forms— and we're actually falling in love with ourself through our Twin Flame. Join me as I dive even deeper into desire and attachment with your Twin Flame and the energy that surrounds this. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet