Twin Flames and Dating Other People

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

S2 - Episode 9 - On this episode, Michele talks about dating other people on the Twin Flame journey. Also, don’t forget to stay to the end of the podcast where you will hear another Twin Flame share their journey so far and learn how you can send your Twin Flame share in to the podcast. "We meet our Twin Flame and because the feelings and energy we experience with them are unlike any other feelings or energy we’ve experienced with anyone else - it can be hard to conceive of dating other people. I get it I totally understand. And so the question comes up when we’re in separation - should I date other people? Now before we dive into a dialogue around dating other people —- I feel it’s important is to revisit the concept of Twin Flames. Twin flames are two people who carry the same soul blueprint. What does that mean the same soul blueprint. Synonyms of blueprint are a design, ground plan, master plan, road map. So at the soul level - you and your Twin Flame carry the same soul design, have the same ground plan, master plan, and /or road map. Now - if you’ve been on this journey a while you probably know and have experienced that the Twin Flame journey is first and foremost a spiritually journey back to who you really are - which is a being of light and love and divine source energy. And when you make the journey back to divine love and become in union with the divine in yourself - you become devoid of any need want or desire for your Twin Flame. Because in this place you’ve found the feeling and energy you experienced with them - but the difference is - this time you’ve found it within yourself. And when you’re in this place of union with the divine - they will be magnetized to you. It is universal law. In this place the love you have for them is the same love you have for yourself and the world. If you’re with them - that’s great. If you’re not - that’s great too. It won’t matter. All is love. You see the bigger picture and all manifestations are for the highest good of all. However, until we get to that place of inner union - navigating dating can be challenging. Join me as I dive deeper into dating on the Twin Flame journey. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story or text to [email protected]. Listener Support: