Twin Flames and Eros

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 64 - In this episode, Michele talks about Eros, and the gift that the Greek God has bestowed upon Twin Flames. The familiar and mythological Eros—who is the "personification of intense love and desire”—has been known to use his bows and arrows to open peoples hearts and make them fall in love. In the popular myth, he falls in love with Psyche—who is the personification of the human soul. The symbol of Psyche is a butterfly, which signifies transformation and metamorphosis and the Greek definition of Psyche is spirit or soul. Also notable is the philosophical and psychological definition of Eros means “life energy.” As we look at the symbols of this beautiful myth we can see how they go hand in hand with the Twin Flame journey. If you’ve met your Twin Flame you’ve been hit by the arrow of Eros. And just like Eros—you’ve fallen in love with Psyche. You think you’ve fallen in love with your Twin Flame. But like the myth tells us—you’ve actually fallen in love with Psyche—your own soul—through your mirror soul. Although—when you’re first on the journey it doesn’t look that way. But ultimately that’s the journey of transformation and energetic metamorphosis that falling in love with your Twin Flame takes you on. What notoriously happens when we meet our Twin Flame—is we experience an awakening. Whether that’s an awakening to a love we’ve never felt before, or a kundalini awakening, or a spiritual awakening, or all of the above. We’ve been hit with the arrow of love. And like the philosophical and psychological meaning of Eros implies—we’ve been hit with a life force energy. This energy, my friends is the energy of creation. Which is the energy of love which is the energy of God. Or Divine source energy. Divine source energy is the energy of pure unconditional love. Which is the greatest force and power in the universe. This life force energy energy has struck us in the heart and we have fallen in love with our mirror soul. We've been awakened to the greatest love there is. We think it’s our Twin Flame. But they're just our mirror. They're reflecting back to us that the love we are seeking is within us—the Divinity that’s within us. Our goal now—our union goal is to align with that sovereignty. To align and merge our body and mind with our soul. Our soul that is pure love. Pure creation. When you remember that you are love and you feel that love—you are filled with that love. Then every act, every choice, every thought is made from love. You create your life from a place of Divine sovereignty and love. From self love. Not selfish love. There’s a difference. Self-love = a love of self that's filled with self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and healthy boundaries. You see the world with love because you see the divine in everyone. Join me as I explore this topic further and we open our hearts together to the world of Eros. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet