Twin Flames and Karmic Partners
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch
Season 2 - Episode 2 - On this episode, Michele talks about karmic relationships. She dives into what karma is, what it means in our lives, how it affects our Twin Flame journey and the energy of karma. "There’s much said in Twin Flame circles about Twin Flames and their karmic partners. However I’m going to do something a little different. Rather than focus on our Twin Flame’s karmic partner - I’m going talk about the energy around karmic relationships in general and how we can look at it in our own lives. So the common Twin Flame concept around karmic relationships is that any romantic partner that your Twin Flame may have is considered a karmic relationship. The theory follows that there’s karma from past lives that need to be worked out between your Twin Flame and their partner before you can be in union with them. While I believe there’s truth in this - I also know you can reach union with them whether or not it’s physical or romantic. Remember - everything is energy and the karmic relationship your Twin Flame may be in can often continue to support their human experience. Therefore, it's not always necessary, in my opinion, to need to get rid of karmic relationships if they are serving your Twin Flames highest good at this moment. Now this journey is also ongoing and is constantly changing. While this karmic relationship may be serving them at the moment - it doesn’t mean it always will. But - In order not to create more karma for ourselves - I find it best to let our Twin Flame live and experience their own life and journey and karma on their own timeline. I also feel that when we put our focus, blame or responsibility on our Twin Flame and their karmic partner - this falls into a codependency trap of needing their situation to change so that we can come into union. Instead - we can stand in our sovereignty and come back to self love with ourselves and union within ourselves. Both of which are possible to do without them. But to do so we have to take responsibility for any karma or karmic partners we may have in our own lives that are not serving us. As well as any energy we may be sending out that is not for the highest good of all. I also know the Twin Flame journey looks differently for everyone. So I like to look at these Twin Flame concepts from an energetic standpoint rather than a literal one. These twin flame concepts we learn can have truth in them - but so often they are personified through the lens of our own beliefs around love and our own karma. Join me as I dive deeper into karma and how it affects our Twin Flame journey. Also, stay tuned to the end to a hear a Twin Flame share their experience. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story to [email protected]. Must be 5-10 minutes long. Listener Support: