Twin Flames and Spiritual Surrender
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

S2 - Episode 17 - On today's episode, Michele talks about two types of spiritual surrender that can be helpful and ultimately imperative on the Twin Flame journey. Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story. "As you may have experienced - the Twin Flame journey is arguably the most challenging thing you may have ever gone through while also being the most magical and beautiful. And the truth is - this Twin Flame journey can also be confusing. Because It can be hard for our logical 3D mind to understand - we often try and figure this Twin Flame thing out. As my guides tell me - it’s not meant to be figured out - it’s meant to be lived. Just like life. Philosophers are always attempting to figure out life. But life is meant to be experienced and lived rather than figured out. It’s our egos that want to figure it out so we can know we are safe. If we can figure it out — we can control it and then we can believe are safe. But what this Twin Flame journey is asking of us — is to remember who we are. We are divine beings of light and love. When we are in union with that divine part of us - we don’t need to do anything or figure anything out. We are just being. And in that place we are fully present. However - in order to fully be present there has to be a surrender of control. A surrender of attachment. A surrender of clinging to anything. Join me as I dive in further to the two types of spiritual surrender and how this helps us on our Twin Flame journey. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story or text to [email protected]. Listener Support: