Twin Flames and your Authentic Self
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

S2 - Episode 21 - On today's episode, Michele talks about how the Twin Flame journey is an activation of your authentic self. Don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their journey so far. "You’ve met your Twin Flame and this meeting activated something inside of you. This activation looks differently for everyone. Perhaps you’ve experienced a kundalini awakening or a spiritual activation. But quite often what is activated is the vibration of unconditional love. The vibration of unconditional is the most authentic vibration in the world as it is the vibration that is at the core of everything in existence. This vibration is already within all of us. It’s the vibration of our soul and the vibration of the divine - it’s the vibration of the consciousness and love of all that is and all that ever was and will be. When we meet our Twin Flame - we get a feeling of home. This vibration of home is an activation to remember who we really are. The pull to them is really a pull for us to step into our highest vibration. Yet - so often our highest vibration has been dampened down. This usually happens in childhood when we were told we were too much or we weren’t accepted just as we were. Or we had to adhere to our family’s system and rules- or for many of you - society’s systems and rules -- and so just to survive - we learned to dim our light and adjust to the status quo. Then our Twin Flame shines a light on us - and somewhere inside of us - we remember and we wake up. They're reflecting ourselves back to us by shining a light that says — come on out from hiding who you truly are. Get rid of anything in your life that isn’t aligned with unconditional love. Stop playing it small and step into your authentic self. And then - there are all these obstacles that prevent us from being with them. I can say this from working with so many Twin Flames and my own lived experience that these obstacles are perfectly and divinely designed for each person's own specific spiritual journey. Join me as I dive deeper into what stepping into your authentic self truly means. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story or text to [email protected].