Twin Flames - Beyond the Illusion
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

S2 - Episode 22 - On today's episode, Michele talks about going beyond the illusion and what that means in regards to Twin Flames, unity consciousness and the new earth. Also, don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story so far. Science will tell us that we currently live in a 3D world where everything is measured by the three dimensions of height width and depth and the linear construct of time. However, if you’ve experienced deep meditations or dreams or plant medicines you’ve probably experienced moving beyond the 3 dimensions of space and the illusion of time. In this moment in our lives — we're experiencing huge shifts as the earth is transitioning out of 3D and into higher dimensions — and therefore higher vibrations. In fact, some spiritual teachers say, she is already in the 4th dimension. This time on earth has been prophesied from almost all ancient religions. We're all going through this transition together. We’ve all been witnessing and experiencing some old constructs and beliefs that can’t hold this new vibration and dimension — implode, crumble and fall apart. Basically, anything that isn’t based in love is coming up to be cleared. When I refer to love I’m referring to exchanges that are free of power over and power under dynamics, free of inequality, free of bias, free of separation, free of control, free of privilege, free of codependency and free of fear. The implosions we are seeing in the world today are just like when we personally obtain a higher level of vibration - we then experience all of our lower vibrational energies and any stories and beliefs that aren’t rooted in unconditional love to start coming up to the surface to be released, healed and cleared. Any unhealthy patterns and wounding can’t live in our body if we’re holding a higher frequency. That’s why when we meet our Twin Flame we often go through the dark night of the soul. Our Twin Flame triggers our soul resonance — which is the highest resonance and vibration we can hold. And then, consequently, all of our lower vibrational memories, thoughts and energies come up to the surface to be healed and released. Meeting our Twin Flame awakens us to see beyond the illusion of the life we were living. Then, what usually happens, is that after failing in love with our Twin Flame - we attach to them and just by that attachment alone - we replace our old illusions of love with a new illusion of them. Join me as I look at the illusions of love and how our Twin Flame is the path to unity consciousness. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story to [email protected].