Twin Flames - Judgment vs Discernment

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 68 - On this episode, Michele talks about judgment vs discernment and how knowing the difference can help you navigate your Twin Flame path. Knowing this difference can also help you navigate the energy that can push your Twin Flame away. "The Twin Flame connection is first and foremost a soul connection. We come to Earth to experience this soul love through our human body. In order to experience true unconditional soul love—there has to be a merging of our mind body and soul. All three have to be in alignment with the Divine. The soul is already there. It’s getting the mind and body in coherence. That’s why Twin Flame union is ultimately a union of you with your higher self and union with source energy. As you know—the Twin Flame journey is above all a spiritual journey. Last weeks podcast I talked about how non-attachment and detachment are often used interchangeably and yet there are subtle differences that are important to notice when navigating our Twin Flame path. The same is true here with judgment vs discernment. When we look at judgment—judgment is used to label things as right or wrong. Good or bad. My belief vs your belief. Judgments are based in things we have learned. The conditions we have been exposed to. The morality we have been raised with and taught to believe. It’s also linked with our beliefs around spirituality and who and what God is. Judgment carries the basis of morality, God and/or power. Judgment is truly a power over vs power under form of opinion. Judgment carries power over someone else. It is saying my way or my Gods way is better than your way. The energy of judgment is a polarizing energy. Because of the polarity judgment carries—it also reinforces the separation mentality. Us vs them. My way is the only way. Wars are based around judgments and belief systems. Now let’s look at discernment. The definition of discernment is also closely linked to god and spirituality—but it differs in that it's an action rather than a naming. Discernment is an act of perceiving something—to discern is a process. One definition says—"It's a quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure." It’s a skill. Discernment is to be able to understand the higher meaning in something. Although it’s linked also with judgment—the way judgment is used here is in connection with wisdom, scientific knowledge or spiritual knowledge and attainment. Discernment is more of a knowing than an opinion. It's also based in the body and heart. Wisdom, scientific knowledge and spiritual attainment all carry with them an embodied knowing. If it doesn’t have substantiated evidence to back it up—it’s probably not right. In the same way we could look at felt sense. If it doesn’t feel right in the body—if it’s not a full body yes. It’s not right. Discernment doesn’t carry with it polarity—unlike with judgment. There's no right vs wrong or good bad or Hell vs Heaven. Instead discernment is a method of finding the path or decision of what's true for you and for your highest good Whereas judgment is forming an opinion based on your beliefs. Discernment is doing more exploration to determine an outcome. Discernment is also closely linked with intuition. Join me on this podcast as I dive in deeper and explain how discernment can be useful as you go through your three levels of healing.  Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet