Twin Flames - Runners and Fear

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 75 - On this episode, Michele talks about the runners in a Twin Flame journey and why this topic goes hand in hand with fear. "Before I dive too deeply into this topic—I want to acknowledge that this topic may be triggering. The word fear itself can be triggering. If there’s any resistance you feel or any triggers that come up—please, take care of yourself. Stop. Breathe—and know that you can always come back to this or not. You have a choice here and whatever choice you make is the right choice for you. Now, if you’re familiar with Twin Flame concepts—you know about the runner/chaser dynamic. For those of you who don’t—it’s pretty straightforward—one person is chasing and the other one is running. This dynamic is similar to the push and pull energy on the Twin Flame journey. Except, the push energy—which I spoke about last week—is mostly done unconsciously. The chaser and runner energy is more straightforward. When Twin Flames go into separation or have intense challenges in their relationship—there’s often one who is chasing and one who is running. This energy can also switch back and forth. Let’s look at the runners POV. What makes them run? On a basic level—what do you do when you’re being chased? You run. You may not even know why you’re running. Or why you’re being chased. All you know is there’s energy coming at you that makes you run. There’s energy that’s overwhelming. Or coming too fast. Or too intense. We run out of fear.  In fact you may have already experienced this with your Twin Flame. When we run—it’s just fear. When they run—it’s just fear. They’re feeling the fear from you. Or they’re feeling their own fear. But love doesn’t run. Love doesn’t chase. Love doesn’t push. And love doesn’t pull. So just know—it’s not personal. Either way. It’s just not love energy that’s dominating. It is fear and fear can be cleared. Now danger is different. Running from a bear is different. The fears I’m referring to here are psychological and emotional and are also in the collective consciousness. So, what are these fears? It’s the fear of being separate. It’s fear of the unknown. It’s fear of not being loved. Its fear of being too much. It’s fear of not being enough. It’s fear of not being lovable. It’s fear of being alone. And here’s one to think about—it’s the fear of being loved. Basically - It’s all of our childhood fears playing out on this earth stage. I believe Twin Flames are here to clear these fears around love. To redefine what love is in relationships. To remind us who we are. Join me as I dive even deeper into this concept of runners, fears and love.  Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet