Twin Flames—Embodiment and Alignment

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 71 - In this episode, Michele talks about embodiment and alignment and why these are so important not only to understand—but to master on your Twin Flame journey. "As you may or may not know —embodiment is when your mind, body and soul are aligned and in balance with each other. Our thinking levels are way down and we’re fully in the present moment. That also means—when we are embodied—our hearts are able to be fully open and expressed and aligned with our mind and soul—and we’re in union energy. One of the key things to always remember is that the connection with your Twin Flame is a soul connection. This is not a mind to mind connection. Even though you may connect greatly through conversations, shared values, humor, or intellect, etc. the base of your Twin Flame connection is through the soul. You are the same soul. You’re not the same mind or body. So it would make sense that aligning our minds and body with our soul—would align us with our Twin Flame. Here’s the challenge. We are in a universe that has the Law of Polarity. Source energy holds and contains both sides of the polarity. The Yin Yang symbol is a great example of this and a great symbol of unity consciousness. The two polarities are balanced and create the whole. The polarities are unified as one. However—our minds experience this polarity as duality and separation. This looks like right or wrong. My way vs your way. Good or bad. Feminine vs masculine. In fact—our mind likes to label where we are on the Twin Flame journey as good or bad. Our egos want to win. We should be with them now. Our mind and ego sees separation. However—to our soul—there's no separation. There's no good or bad or right or wrong. There’s just love. So—when we observe our Twin Flame connection through our ego's point of view—we label and quantify and expect things to look a certain way on a certain timeline. We want something from our Twin Flame. There’s something they’re not giving us. We’re seeking answers. We’re trying to figure it all out. We want to know what they think of us. We want to know the outcome and we want to know it now. But all of this is what strengthens the idea of separation. This is what creates the push and pull energy. And this is what causes us suffering. However if we can look at our Twin Flame connection through the energy of our soul—there’s just love. There’s no separation. There’s no need. There’s no timeline. There’s only this present moment. It’s our mind that’s attached to our Twin Flame. Not our soul. Our soul is the same as them. There’s no need for attachment. Now one thing that needs to be mentioned—is the unconscious. If it were that easy for our mind to line up with our body and soul we would. Join me as I go deeper into embodiment and alignment and how the getting to know your unconscious is the key to staying present and conscious. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet