Twin Flames—Enoughness

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 66 - In this episode, Michele talks about enoughness and why being enough is imperative on the Twin Flame journey. She also looks at walking away when you’re not getting enough and how to know the difference. "I would venture to say almost everyone has feelings of not being enough. That’s why we seek outside validation. I also want to say that this topic may be triggering. I know that Twin Flames tend to be highly sensitive and empathic. So—as you listen stay tuned into your body. If you feel some emotions coming up. Pause. Breathe. See what's there and what wants your attention. Know that you can always come back to this episode later. Now the Twin Flame journey is not an easy one. But it’s probably the most incredible thing you’ll ever experience—once you get through the hurdles. I also know there are many people out there who haven’t met their Twin Flame yet, and who would love to. Perhaps you’re listening now. The path there is through feeling enough. Feeling enough—that even though you haven’t met them yet—you’re already whole and complete even without them. That enoughness is what will draw them to you. If you’ve met your Twin Flame—you’ve hit the jackpot. Now you get to do what your soul came down here to do. Align your human self with your soul and divinity. This is a big ask. This is the biggest manifestation there is. As Twin Flames—we are being asked to align with our divinity as humans. To walk in our highest timeline possible. Now in past eras—this would take lifetimes to get to. Because of where we are on the planet—this work is possible now. That’s why people are meeting their Twin Flames. And that’s why you’re here listening. But my friends, this takes work. Not the kind of work that we do for a living—a different kind of work. Psychological, spiritual, physical, mental and energetic work. It takes spiritual discipline. It takes commitment. It takes intention. It takes courage. It takes looking into our shadows, seeing what’s there and pulling out what's no longer serving us so we can raise our vibration and clear our system of lower vibrational energies. It takes boundaries around self-love. It takes honoring our body temple. It takes loving our body temple. It’s stripping away all the false programming and conditioning that has been put on us. It’s looking at every belief and asking—do I really believe this? Where did this come from. It’s aligning with our heart and soul. And in every moment checking to see if we are being our authentic selves. Not the self that society applauds. But the self that is open-hearted, vulnerable, courageous, patient, trusting and compassionate. It takes being and feeling enough. If you take anything away—know that you’re enough just as you are. It’s not about getting more. It’s about stripping away all the false beliefs and hurts and untruths that are clouding your perception and intuition of who you truly are.  Tune in as I unpack this more and look at all the ways 'not enoughness' can challenge us on our Twin Flame journey. Remember this—when you are enough—you align with Divine Source energy.  When your Twin Flame feels enough—they align with you. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet