Twin Flames—Separation vs Union Energy

Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

Episode 65 - In this episode, Michele looks at Twin Flames and separation vs union energy. Since we are all energy—it’s important to recognize that the energy of union and the energy of separation carry two different frequencies. "As you know on this journey—what our soul’s crave most and long for is either union with our Twin Flame or finding peace and relief from the constant longing for our Twin Flame. And what we all seem to have in common is we all want answers about what this crazy journey is. What all these roads lead to—is coming home to the energy of who we once were—and still are. The energy of our soul. The energy of Love. The energy of Divine Source Unconditional love. This energy is also the same energy of when we were once one soul with our Twin Flame. Which is the energy and frequency of union. I have experienced that a big part of this Twin Flame path is discerning these different frequencies of energies—getting to know them and practicing aligning with union energy. You’ll feel it when you drop into union energy.  The word separation is one of the antonyms of the word union. Some other antonyms of union are division, disconnection, discord and imbalance. We can actually see division, discord and imbalance playing out on the world’s stage. These all carry the vibration of separation energy. Us vs them. All of those very vibrations are what keep us separate from our Twin Flame. And the most important factor here to note is—it’s less about having any energy of separation, division, disconnection, discord or imbalance from our Twin Flame. It’s about having any separation, division, disconnection, discord and imbalance from ourselves. Our Twin Flames just point out to us where these are occurring. So this is what you can do. Heal any separation within yourself. If you are not consciously connected to your thoughts or actions or behaviors—you are in separation energy. If you are disconnected from your feelings or living in discord from your truth or imbalanced in your feminine and masculine energies or divided from source energy—you are in separation energy. This is what our Twin Flame points out to us. It’s like they can’t fit fully back into our energy without us living fully 💯 in our truth. In our union with ourselves. If we are not with them—we are invited to look deeply at where we might not be in full resonance with our soul. With Divinity. With self-love. If we are experiencing discord with our Twin Flame—where do we have discord within ourselves. Join me as I unpack this further and share how our healing can help heal the separation in the world.  Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet