Zero Point Field and Twin Flames
Twin Flame Transformation - A podcast by Michele Lynch

S2 - Episode 20 - On today's episode, Michele talks about the zero point field and why this field is important for Twin Flames. Don’t forget to stay to the end where you’ll hear another Twin Flame share their story so far. "The zero point field is a field that’s devoid of any matter and therefore devoid of time and memory or anything dense that could slow it down. It is where you find the Divine and where pure love exists without any interference. It’s also a field where miracles exist and where you can create anything. It’s a field where you meet the Divine in yourself. Scientifically and in the quantum field it’s the field that has the lowest possible temperature in the universe - a temperature of zero - yet this vacuum field is also the field that contains the highest energy possible. The reason this field is important for Twin Flames is because it’s where we find and experience not only the Divine — but also where we feel and experience unity consciousness. In this field there is no separation. The Twin Flame connection is not a “normal romantic” connection. It is first and foremost a spiritual connection and this journey is a spiritual journey. It is a journey back to the Divine in ourselves. The reason we have the terms Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine is because we are being invited to restore the Divine to those energies. Divine/source energy — as you know — is pure love. Pure love consciousness. However, here on earth love has been confused with controlling and unloving behaviors. Join me as I dive deeper into the zero point field and its significance. Thanks for listening!" Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story or text to [email protected]. Listener Support: