Street Focus 104: Q&A and Goodbye
TWiP Street Focus - A podcast by This Week in Photo

[alert type=green ]ANNOUNCEMENT: Goodbye! This is my last show as the host of Street Focus and it's been an amazing experience! I am starting a new adventure with my very own podcast Hit The Street with Valerie Jardin ~ A Photography Podcast which will start airing on Sept 22. THANK YOU to all of you for listening to me on Street Focus for 104 episodes![/alert]
This week on Street Focus my good friend and photographer Ian MacDonald helps me answer a few questions about mirrorless technology, how to prevent photo theft and what photography resources we recommend for inspiration. The questions were submitted by Lee and Clovis Rosa.
Visit Ian’s Website, following him on Twitter: @IanMPhotography or Instagram: ianmacdonaldphotography
And The Winners are:
The last challenge was the Smile of a Stranger. Congratulations to Maayan Porat and Hans Eckardt. They will each receive a book from our friends at Rocky Nook
Photo by Maayan Porat
photo by Hans Eckardt
Our Picks of The Week
Ian's pick: Chase Jarvis Live
Valerie's pick: In No Great Hurry a documentary about Saul Leiter