Grammar Lesson 18: Word Order, Buses and Services

Tá Falado: Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation for Speakers of Spanish - A podcast by College of Liberal Arts, University of Texas at Austin


asset title: Grammar Lesson 18: Word Order, Buses and Services filename: tafalado_gra_18.mp3 track number: 44/46 time: 10:56 size: 7.69 MB bitrate: 96 kbps So how weird would it be to be a Brazilian in the United States and see for the first time a bicycle attached to the front of a city bus? Sure enough, that would never happen on a bus in Brazil. These are the kinds of observations that North Americans would never make because, well, we think it's normal. It's all a matter of perspective. This lesson talks about those kind of cultural differences, and we do so while going over a lesson about word order. (We know the title doesn't sound all that exciting, but it really is an interesting grammar topic -- if you are into language learning.) Dialog Portuguese Michelle: Eu acho interessante que existam pessoas que colocam suas bicicletas na frente dos ônibus. Valdo: Pois é, aqui nos Estados Unidos tem lugares específicos nos ônibus pra carregar bicicletas. Michelle: Eh, e sobram motivos aqui para as pessoas levarem suas bicicletas na frente dos ônibus e irem sentadas. Valdo: É verdade! Sempre acontecem coisas inesperadas quando se anda de bicicleta, por exemplo: chuva, o sol muito quente, ladeiras. Michelle: De fato, sempre surge algum imprevisto que nos faz preferir o conforto do ar condicionado dos ônibus. Valdo: Puxa, falta só esse serviço para o transporte público no Brasil ficar ótimo. Spanish Michelle: Yo creo que es interesante que existen personas que ponen su bicicleta en frente de los autobuses. Valdo: Sí, aquí en los Estados Unidos hay lugares específicos en los autobuses para llevar bicicletas Michelle: Sí y eso les dá el incentivo a las personas aquí para que lleven su bicicleta en frente del autobús para que se puedan sentar. Valdo: Es verdad. Siempre nos suceden cosas inesperadas al andar en bicicleta, por ejemplo: la lluvia, el sol muy fuerte, escaleras. Michelle: Además, siempre surge algo imprevisto que hace que se prefiera el confort del aire condicionado del autobús. Valdo: Caramba, nos falta ese servicio para el transporte público en Brasil para que sea excelente. English Michelle: I think that it's interesting that there are people who put their bicycles in front of the buses. Valdo: Yes, here in the United State we have specific places in front of the buses to carry bicycles. Michelle: Yes and it give people a reason to carry their bicycles in front of the bus so that they can sit down. Valdo: That's true. Unexpected things always happen when riding a bicycle, for example: rain, hot sun, ladders. Michelle: In fact, some unexpected thing always comes up that makes you prefer the comfort of the air-conditioned bus. Valdo: Gee, that's what we're missing in Brazil to make our public transportation system the best.