U n' I with Rashmi Shetty- Sanjay Deshpande
U n' I with Rashmi Shetty - A podcast by Rashmi Shetty

Our guest today is the inspirational Sanjay Deshpande who was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor at the age of 29. A massive grand mal seizure landed him in the emergency room on the day he landed on Harvard University's campus to start his Master's program in September 2021. The same week, he flew back to India to get a 7-hour-long brain surgery. It's been almost two years since and he's tumor-free. He is passionate about mental health, queer rights, and cancer advocacy. He loves to dance and has recently started writing poetry. He hopes to publish a memoir someday and travel the world before he kicks the bucket. He led the effort to conceptualize, manage, write, and publish his first book 'Don't Ask Me How I'm Doing' with several other contributors to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by South Asian and Indian Young Adult Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers. He hopes this book will help hundreds if not thousands, of others who have to deal with an insidious disease like cancer when they are at the peak of their lives and careers. Sanjay consults as a learning designer, workshop facilitator, and trained coach with several Edtech startups from across the country. His book is available in all leading bookstores. This is the link to order it on Amazon. https://www.amazon.in/Dont-Ask-How-Doing-everything/dp/8195259049/ref=sr_1_2?qid=1696535097&refinements=p_27%3ASanjay+Deshpande&s=books&sr=1-2e He is back at Harvard today to finish his Master's program surprising everyone around him including his doctor! Listen in as Sanjay shares his journey with all honesty in this conversation completely vulnerable & pragmatic.