Can You Be Old-Fashioned In A Modern Dating World? Ft. The Golden Bachelor

U Up? - A podcast by Betches Media

J&J have the honor of sitting down with Gerry Turner, the Golden Bachelor, himself! But first, Jordana is catching us up on married life in the ‘burbs and Jared is excited to see Huntington firsthand. The first email asks whether wanting to be “virtually courted” is holding her back on the apps. Then, the Awkward Sexual Encounter is full of firsts. The second email is from a listener who just heard from her cheating ex after almost a decade. Is she right to feel upset? J&J wrap up with an interview with ABC’s first Golden Bachelor where he shares his red flags and dating rules, then plays a round of “Red Flag, Green Flag, Gold Flag”. @goldengerryturner Learn more about your ad choices. Visit