Ultrascape Podcast Ep2: Atlas Mountain Race & Race Around Rwanda preview, plus bikepacking rumours!
Ultrascape Podcast; Bikepacking & Ultracycling news, discussion, chat & rumours. - A podcast by Josh Ibbett
Ultrascape podcast is a brand new podcast with Josh Ibbett taking a look into the world of Bikepacking and Ultracycling. Along with co-host Beccy Waters the podcast takes a look at the news storys and rumours about bikepacking and ultra cycling races as well as in depth discussion and rumours about key topics. Episode 2 focuses on the Atlas Mountain race: https://www.themountainraces.cc And the Race Around Rwanda: https://racearoundrwanda.com Ultrscape is sponsored by Redshiftsports, for a 15% discount use the code: ULTRASCAPE on the redshift website https://redshiftsports.com A big thank you to the brands that support me: Mason Cycles - https://masoncycles.cc Hunt Bike wheels - https://www.huntbikewheels.com Albion Cycling - https://www.albioncycling.com Tailfin Bikepacking equipment - https://www.tailfin.cc/?v=79cba1185463 Enduro bearings - https://cycling.endurobearings.com If you like my videos and would like to help me produce more, please consider buying me a 'virtual coffee' at the link below, thanks! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/jibbett887