How I Helped The Sexual Revolution Hijack The Women’s Movement | Guest: Sue Ellen Browder

The Seth Gruber Show - A podcast by Seth Gruber

How did the women’s movement, which fought for equal opportunity in education and the workplace, and the sexual revolution, which reduced women to ambitious sex objects, become so united? In her page-turning book, Subverted, Sue Ellen Browder documents for the first time how it all happened. Trained at the University of Missouri School of Journalism to be an investigative journalist, Sue unwittingly betrayed her true calling and became a propagandist for the sexual revolution. As a writer for Cosmopolitan, she wrote pieces mean to soft-sell unmarried sex, contraception, and abortion as the single woman’s path to personal fulfillment. The thirst for truth that led Sue into journalism eventually led her to find forgiveness and freedom and she is now sounding the trumpet and illuminating a way forward for others who have suffered from the unholy alliance between the women’s movement and the sexual revolution. Date: 01/13/21 To help UnAborted create more pro-life content and take our content to the streets, become a Patron of the show at To help Seth reach more high school and college students through pro-life presentations around the country, become a monthly supporter at