I Was Offered $50,000 To Abort My Son (I Said NO!) | Guest: Christine Yeargin

The Seth Gruber Show - A podcast by Seth Gruber

After being pressured to abort her son, Christine Yeargin became passionate about the pro-life movement. Recognizing a need, she founded Be Their Village and works to connect women in unplanned pregnancies to resources in their area and uses the pro-life community she’s built on social media to complete baby registries for women who reject abortion and choose life. Her pro-life content has saved lives and she joins us in Washington D.C. to discuss her story, the anti-woman agenda of the pro-choice movement, the self-evident nature of the pro-life position, and the suppressed trauma and pain many pro-choice women live under every day and how pro-lifers can provide a gracious and healing touch of truth.  Christine's Website: https://www.christineyeargin.com Be Their Village: https://www.instagram.com/betheirvillage/ Date: 01/20/22 To help UnAborted create more pro-life content and take our content to the streets, become a Patron of the show at https://www.patreon.com/unaborted To help Seth reach more high school and college students through pro-life presentations around the country, become a monthly supporter at https://prolifetraining.com/donate/