Lessons From Lincoln, Reagan, And Bonhoeffer | South Dakota Right to Life Convention

The Seth Gruber Show - A podcast by Seth Gruber

Contrary to the claims of the modern Left, human nature is not infinitely malleable and we are not moving toward a progressive utopia. Man is fundamentally flawed and fallen and therefore as prone to despotism today as in any previous chapter of human history. But don’t worry. This leaves us a sliver of hope. For those with ears to hear, we can learn from the lessons of history to ensure we stop its repetition. Tragically, some of the most brutal aspects of history are repeated today in the abortion industry and their crimes against unborn children. As we open the pages of history together, we will let Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer provide eternal insights to guide us toward the final abolition of abortion. Don't miss Seth's powerful new talk from the South Dakota Right to Life 50th anniversary convention. To help UnAborted create more pro-life content and take our content to the streets, become a Patron of the show at https://www.patreon.com/unaborted To help Seth reach more high school and college students through pro-life presentations around the country, become a monthly supporter at https://prolifetraining.com/donate/