Our Goal Is To Be The Most Pro-Life University In The Country | Guest: Jeff Hunt

The Seth Gruber Show - A podcast by Seth Gruber

Jeff Hunt is the director of the Centennial Institute, Colorado Christian University’s think tank, mobilizing ideas on faith, family, and freedom to strengthen America’s future. Like it or not, the Academy has fundamentally transformed the next generation, and not in a good way. Universities have become training grounds for abortion activists. Jeff Hunt joins me to discuss the long-game in taking back LIFE in America, the formative role higher education plays in determining the direction of our country, how the abortion leviathan became unstoppable, and why Christian colleges must become as unapologetic and committed to propagating our values as secular universities are if we're ever going to end abortion and fully protect our pre-born neighbors! Learn more about Centennial Institute: https://centennial.ccu.edu Learn more about Colorado Christian University: https://www.ccu.edu Date: 01/27/22 To help UnAborted create more pro-life content and take our content to the streets, become a Patron of the show at https://www.patreon.com/unaborted To help Seth reach more high school and college students through pro-life presentations around the country, become a monthly supporter at https://prolifetraining.com/donate/