Changing Our Relationship To Problems with Ian Watson

Unbroken - A podcast by Alexandra Amor

When we have a challenge or problem in our lives it can seem obvious to focus on that problem in order to solve it. But what if finding the solutions to problems – like an overeating habit – didn’t involve this kind of approach at all? Ian Watson’s work as an educator is to provide education and training that doesn’t just inform, but which empowers, heals and transforms. For it is only through your own insightful realisation that deep and lasting positive change occurs. He works mainly with groups, and sometimes with individuals. His intention is always the same – to remind you of what you already know to be true deep inside, but may have temporarily forgotten. To help you reconnect with the source of your own wisdom, wellbeing and innate self-healing capacity. To come home to your true Self. You can find Ian Watson at You can listen above, on your favorite podcast app, or watch on YouTube. Notes, links, resources and a full transcript are below.  Show Notes * Observing in patients that healing seemed to come from somewhere mysterious * How feeling better can become an ongoing pursuit when we don’t understand the source of peace * How we don’t need to work on our issues * How insight is the only catalyst for change * How we live in a thought created experience * Why working on our issues is counterproductive * How our symptoms are never a nuisance or something to get rid of Transcript of Interview with Ian Watson Alexandra: Ian Watson, welcome to Unbroken. Ian: Very nice to be here. Thanks for inviting me. Alexandra: Oh, my pleasure. So why don’t you give us a little background? Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to came across the Three Principles. Ian: I really have followed my own interests, which took me initially into alternative healing. As a teenager, I started with Bach flower remedies. And that led me into herbs and homeopathy. Homeopathy became my career for at least 15 years, I was a practitioner. Also, I became interested in the training side. So I started running a homeopathy training school, wrote some books became reasonably well known, I suppose, in that field, and assumed that would be my life’s work really. I love homeopathy still do. To my surprise, working with a lot of clients over time, I started to see that sometimes people come with a physical health problem. But it turns out to be the entry ticket. And there’s other things going on which once you get to know the person, as you will know, they start to reveal more about what their internal struggles are the other things going on with that in their life. I started to feel that there were other ways that I’d like to help people but I didn’t know what they were. I sometimes felt that the purely homeopathic approach that I knew, wasn’t addressing everything that could be addressed. And just in general terms, to say what I mean by that, sometimes I would work with people it felt like we were both pushing a rock up a hill, and not getting very far. Like they were working really hard. They were doing all the right things,