72: Helping Daily with Dr. Richard Shuster
Underdog - A podcast by Scott Kujak

Dr. Richard Shuster is a licensed clinical psychologist, keynote speaker, CEO of MARS Industries, and the host of The Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster: Food for the Brain, Knowledge from the experts, Tools to Win at Life which is regularly downloaded in over 100 countries. On his podcast, Dr. Shuster’s guests educate and inspire listeners through their stories, expertise, and passion for helping make a difference in the lives of others. His mission is to help people become the best versions of themselves and as a result, make the world a better place. A sought after media expert, Dr. Shuster’s clinical expertise and podcast have been featured in such publications as The Huffington Post, NBCNews.com, Glassdoor.com, Reader’s Digest, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, and others. In this episode: Chasing after materialistic possessions young in life Surviving a brutal car accident when he should have died Breaking his spine, suffering internal injuries, tearing every ligament and muscle in his neck, and recovering Shifting his mindset while recovering Going back to school and pursuing his phd in psychology Having a son who was born with physical disability but normal cognitive ability Creating The Daily Helping Podcast to inspire others to become the best version of themselves Every Kid Rocks – a nonprofit designed to give kids time-limited speech, physical, and occupational therapy that just need a boost The #mydailyhelping Movement www.SeekYourPowers.com – Code "underdog" at checkout, to receive your dream job guide for free, and use the result of the POWERS Assessment to discover the career that may be the best fit for you You can find out more about Dr. Richard at www.drrichardshuster.com and on Instagram @dailyhelpingpodcast