Dr Alan Flanagan: The nutrition scientist reveals which health influencers you shouldn't trust and why personalised diets are pointless

Unfiltered Extra - A podcast by Unfiltered Media

Scroll through social media over the past couple of years and it’s impossible to avoid superstar scientists.But how can you tell the difference between an influencer whose advice should be taken with a pinch of salt and those who should be avoided at all cost?Through posts and podcasts these health, fitness, nutrition and performance optimisation experts have grown seven-figure audiences with a simple promise: they’ll improve your life – at zero cost and next-to-no effort – if you listen to their expert explanations of the latest and best scientific research.And in many ways these social media scientists have been a real force for good.Their charm and charisma, melded with excellent communication skills, enable them to share highly-complex information in simple, understandable and actionable terms.What’s not so good is how their science has started to suffer as they’ve become victims of their own success. To satisfy audience demand, to stay top of the podcast charts, and to maximise income from the advertisers who sponsor their increasingly sophisticated productions, they’re now obligated to share scientific breakthroughs twice a week to deadline. Findings are massaged to fit a narrative and schedule that, you guessed it, plays to the social media machine.So how do you know who you can trust? Science-based nutritional educator Dr Alan Flanagan believes the easiest way is to look out for some “red flags” that hint what you’re hearing might not be the truest interpretation of the scientific method.The founder of Alinea Nutrition and former barrister reveals to Unfiltered editor-in-chief Joe Warner the key warning signs you should look out for, why he thinks so many of these respected scientists are completely comfortable misrepresenting the research to fit their narrative and agenda, and how to tell the difference between an influencer whose advice should be taken with a pinch of salt and those who should be avoided at all cost.They also discuss chrononutrition - the technical term for meal timing - and the impact it has on bodyweight, body composition and overall health and fitness, and Dr Flanagan gives his no-holds-barred takedown of the growing popularity of personalised nutrition protocols and apps, and why the science behind these services just doesn't stand up.Watch the full video interview at https://unfilteredonline.com/alan-flanagan-social-media-scientist-red-flags/For exclusive access to all Unfiltered's video interviews, features and documentaries visit https://unfilteredonline.com/Get in touch in the comments below or talk to us on:Email: [email protected]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGSV7XVaBYUYq5YidLI12owInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/unfiltered.extraTwitter: https://twitter.com/UnfilteredExtra