EP113: How to Spot Big Opportunities in Vacation Rental Consolidation with Eric Broughton of Inhabit IQ

Unlocked by Matt Landau - A podcast by Matt Landau: Vacation Rental Marketer & Podcaster - Thursdays


Eric Broughton is the Chief Strategy officer of Inhabit IQ, which owns a number of vacation rental service providers and has frankly not always had the most forthcoming reputation in the vacation rental industry. In his defense, Eric wasn’t in his position in those early days, he’s relatively new, so this conversation was originally designed to clear up some of the air. But as you’ll hear, Eric has a very strong understanding about how fragmented industries evolve, the role of private equity on software & consolidation, and what techniques make vacation rentals managers powerful in the next phases of our industry’s growth.  This episode is brought you by Point Central, the leaders in smart home automation, and Breezeway, the best in class property care and automations platform.  Additional show notes can be found at www.vrmb.com/113