Learn What You Can Control

Unpublished - A podcast by Amie McNee and James Winestock


We talk about how much easier your creative journey becomes when you start to get an understanding of what you can and can't control. That means taking a moment to filter as much as you can through the lens of: controllable, not controllable. Just doing that sorting can help relieve stress and alleviate the sense of helplessness we can sometimes get when things don't go our way. This is a tool you can use to stay more process driven, not get rattled as much by setbacks, and generally enjoy your journey more. When I don't actively practice this, I feel way more out of alignment. Don't forget that James will be sending out a newsletter every week reflecting on the podcast episode and giving you some life updates! You can sign up for it here. As always, we sustain ourselves via the juicy succulence of your ratings and reviews!