Episode 36 - Bari Stricoff & Sophie Bertrand on intuitive eating and looking at what we can add rather than only taking away

Unstressable with Alice Law - A podcast by Alice Law - (Lawali Life)

In this episode Alice is joined by the Forking Wellness duo, Bari Stricoff & Sophie Bertrand. Bari and Sophie are registered Dietitian and Nutritionist. They are the co-authors of their best-selling booking Forking Wellness and Co-hosts of The Forking Wellness Podcast. Their ethos around food and nutrition is looking at what our body really needs, rather than trying to limit what we put into it and then finding we quickly digress back into only bad habits. Or as Bari would call herself an 'anti diet dietitian'. They focus largely on the power of intuitive eating, which is really understand what our body needs intuitively when it comes to food.  They were the first nutritionists I have had on the podcast and I found it a really eye-opening and interesting conversation. In this episode we talked all about: - Intuitive eating and what that really means  - The power behind not restricting ourselves from the foods we love - Putting longer term habits in place rather than focusing on the number on the scales - What things we can add, not just take away - How changing our mentality around our food is what creates the change - Why we all struggle with food in some way - Why health is much more than food And so much more... If you did enjoy this episode then please find us on social media, tag us in your stories and let us know, we would love to hear from you... Alice - IG @lawali_life www.lawali-life.com   Find them: Sophie Bertrand www.sophieshealthykitchen.com IG @sophieshealthykitchen Bari Stricoff www.barithedietitian.com https://www.instagram.com/barithedietitian/?hl=en