The Continuous Mind of Practice: WPP2025 Sesshin Day 6
Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast - A podcast by Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot - Mondays

In this final talk of the Winter Practice Period Sesshin, Senseis Wendy Johnson, Kozan, Kodo, and Roshi Joan Halifax weave together teachings on practicing with sincerity and innocence. Beginning with reflections on practicing “without aiming,” they move through stories of Manjushri and Dogen’s instructions on posture, culminating in Roshi Joan’s powerful message about meeting the world’s turbulence with both sensitivity and resilience. Together, they illuminate how discipline in practice allows us to respond to life’s challenges with the naturalness of “adjusting our pillow at night,” while remaining fully engaged with our world’s needs. To access the resources page for this program, please sign up by clicking here.