PYSO, ep. 48: How the business of cycling could recover after coronavirus

Velo Podcast - A podcast by Velo

Steve Maxwell and Spencer Martin of The Outer Line join the show to talk about what the sport of cycling could like in a post-coronavirus world from a business perspective. Will there be fewer teams and fewer events? Possibly. Along with the rest of the world, the cycling industry is now scrambling to figure out what it can do to stay afloat and what the waters will look like once the storm subsides. "Clearly we can't really imagine at this point in time, what the overall impact of COVID is going to be on the sport, just just like we can't really imagine what the impact is going to be on society in general, when we come out of the other side of this whole thing," Maxwell says. "But I think there are a few things that are starting to be apparent. We're not going back to the same old normal. Some things will probably change permanently as a result of this whole calamity." In this special edition VeloNews collaboration of PYSO and The Outer Line, the gents on the pod dig into a laundry list of possible effects of the coronavirus shutdown: How does it affect the teams, the managers, the events, the regulators, and the UCI? "Each one of these stakeholders is going to come out of this thing on the other side a little bit different than the way it went in," Maxwell says.