Episode 16: When you think life is hard in Finland
Very Finnish Problems - A podcast by Ink Tank Media

Very Finnish Problems creator Joel Willans chats with Joe Konderla, writer at the Finniot, a blog on adjusting to Finnish quirks. Topics include British imperialism in Wales, Helsinki versus Tampere and overdosing on Moomins. Co-host Thomas Nybergh advises against home ownership and suggests learning Swedish to fast-track Finnish citizenship. Contact: [email protected] Produced by Thomas Nybergh / Ink Tank Media Shownotes: Joe’s blog: http://www.thefinniot.com/ Joel’s new book - More Very Finnish Problems: https://www.gummerus.fi/fi/kirja/9789512407507/101-very-finnish-problems/ The City of Tampere: https://www.tampere.fi/en/index.html Integrate in Finland through learning Swedish, an official language in Finland: https://integration.luckan.fi/integrating-in-swedish/ The Finnish constitution, see Section 17 – Right to one’s language and culture: https://oikeusministerio.fi/en/constitution-of-finland English is now an official language in Espoo, a Helsinki suburb: https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/espoo_plans_english-language_education_from_kindergarten_to_doctorate_in_two_years/9837902 FAQ on Helsinki metro expansion, look for section on platform length: https://web.archive.org/web/20171224033638/https://www.lansimetro.fi/en/information-on-the-project/faq/ Joe’s recommendation - Time Timer, a productivity tracking app that helps keep focus with visual cues: https://www.timetimer.com Joel’s recommendation - Alita Battle Angel (trailer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7pYhpJaJW8 Thomas’ podcast recommendation - It Could Happen Here, war journalist explains the second American Civil War: https://www.itcouldhappenherepod.com Thomas’ recommendation, Chernobyl’, the TV series, which is excellent, but scientifically inaccurate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9APLXM9Ei8 Moldovan-American journalist on Chernobyl Exiled Russian journalist Masha Gessen on what ‘Chernobyl’ gets right and wrong: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/what-hbos-chernobyl-got-right-and-what-it-got-terribly-wrong Thomas’ Finnish music pick: “Waterfalls”, a song from LCMDF’s, fun, catchy sophomore album Sad Bangers (Spotify, Apple Music) Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/6RNwbzHDMOcaWHyv8285L5 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/fi/album/sad-bangers/1416634075