Seeing Eye Dogs Veterinary Symposium 2018 - Dr Nicola Cotton

VET Talk Radio Podcasts - A podcast by VET Talk Radio


Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs, in association with Royal Canin and Greencross Vets, will be hosting the inaugural Seeing Eye Dogs Veterinary Symposium at its state-of-the-art national training facility in Melbourne 11-12 September 2018. Colleagues from Australia and overseas will be coming together to share knowledge on common and emerging canine health challenges within the service dog, shelter and kennel medicine industry. This event is open to all veterinarians, vet nurses, kennel attendants, shelter managers, breeding program operators, dog trainers and students alike who are invested in service dog health and development, or vet care in kennel and shelter environments. The event is being run in conjunction with the biennial International Guide Dog Federation Conference which is being held in Sydney 14-16 September 2018.