Should Vet Staff Be Required to Cover Their Shifts to Take Time Off?
Veterinary Viewfinder Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Ernie Ward & Beckie Mossor, RVT - Wednesdays

Happy Summer Holidays! That is, of course, assuming you get any holiday time off, especially if you work in a veterinary clinic. This week we discuss the disturbing trend of requiring veterinary clinic employees to provide shift coverage for taking time off due to vacation or appointments. And when taking a vacation, does your boss or manager text telling you how busy and overworked everyone is while you’re away? Yes, you read that right. Viewfinders, there’s a lot we need to talk about this week. … Hosts Dr. Ernie Ward and Beckie Mossor, RVT tackle the trend of requiring veterinary staff to provide their own coverage when taking time off. Beckie shares several real-life stories of veterinary technicians faced with either covering their missed shifts or not going on vacation. She also reveals how some managers and owners are making their employees feel guilty for the crime of taking time off from work. That’s messed up. … This episode is full of real-life dilemma and stress-inducing, burnout-causing bad management practices. Fortunately, our hosts offer several solutions that may help you this year. … Viewfinders, the struggle - and guilt - is real. We can - and must - do better, or we face burning out an entire generation of talented and dedicated veterinary healthcare professionals. Have you heard of similar tales from veterinary colleagues? What are your favorite tips for more efficient holiday staff scheduling? Share your experiences and opinions on our social media!