Why Do People Subscribe To YouTube Channels?

VidAction Podcast - A podcast by Video Marketing Expert Dane Golden


Why do people subscribe to YouTube channels? Does subscribing mean a viewer will see all or most of the YouTube videos from that channel? How and when should creators ask viewers to subscribe? Today we'll tell you how and why.HOSTS: The Video Marketing Value Podcast is hosted by:- Dane Golden of VidiUp.tv | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube- Shelly Saves The Day ShellySavesTheDay.com | YouTubeSPONSORS: This episode is brought to you by our affiliate partners, including: TubeBuddy, VidIQ, and Rev.com, and other products and services we recommend.SOME QUOTES FROM THIS VIDEO:"YouTube subscribers is probably the number one metric on any social media."- Dane Golden"If you've given indications to YouTube that you're not enjoying the content, you're not interacting with it, or you're being presented a thumbnail and you're not clicking on it, it will decrease the likelihood and frequency at which YouTube will serve you up that person's content."- Shelly Saves The Day