Where Is Romania Heading?

Visegrad Insight Podcast - A podcast by Res Publica Foundation - Tuesdays

Elections  in Romania were a tight race but the socialist party PSD eventually  earned 30 per cent of the votes. With very low turnout, a difficult  economic and pandemic situation this might well turn out into a pyrrhic  victory for the populists who do not have obvious coalition partners in  the new Romanian Parliament. Nevertheless, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban  has already resigned following the elections. This gives us a moment to  talk about the political game and the future outlooks for Romania in  Europe. Our two guest speakers are Radu Albu-Comănescu, Visegrad Insight  Fellow and a Lecturer in European Integration at the “Babeş-Bolyai”  University of Cluj-Napoca, and Oana Popescu Zamfir, Director of the  GlobalFocus Center and Editor-at-Large of Foreign Policy magazine  Romania, who previously served as State Secretary for European Affairs  at the Romanian Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Security and the  Elderly. Radu Albu-Comănescu's analysis of the parliamentary elections and implications for Central Europe: https://visegradinsight.eu/romania-elections-drawing-a-defence-line-in-europes-east/ Weekly outlooks and monthly foresight at Visegrad Insight: https://visegradinsight.eu/tag/democratic-security/