廃墟 ruin, abandoned building (#162)

ボキャブラリー練習!Vocabulary Practice (In English and Japanese) - A podcast by ケビン


1. 山奥に古い廃墟が残っているAn old ruin remains deep in the mountains. 2. 廃墟を探検するのが好きだI like exploring abandoned buildings. 3. その城は何百年も前に焼け落ち、今は廃墟となっているThat castle burned down centuries ago and is now a ruin. 4. 廃墟の中には昔の家具がそのまま残っていたInside the abandoned building, old furniture was still there. 5. 台風の影響で町の一部が廃墟のようになったDue to the typhoon, part of the town ended up looking like a ruin.