ボキャブラリー練習!Vocabulary Practice (In English and Japanese) - A podcast by ケビン

1. この状況では計画を変更せざるを得ないIn this situation, the plan must be changed. 2. 仕事の都合で引っ越しせざるを得ませんDue to work circumstances, I have no choice but to move. 3. 証拠がそろっているので認めざるを得ないSince the evidence is clear, I have to admit it. 4. 体調が悪くて休みを取らざるを得ませんでしたI had no choice but to take a day off because I felt unwell. 5. 経費削減のために人員を減らさざるを得ないStaff cuts are unavoidable due to cost reductions.