Episode 67. Carrie Jackson- Bounce Back Stronger: VIS Expert about the Psychology of Injury

Voice In Sport - A podcast by Stefanie Strack


VIS Expert™ Carrie Jackson, a mental performance consultant specialising in mental training, resilience and injury psychology shares how to overcome injuries and come out stronger than ever. Carrie explains the importance of having a positive mindset when recovering from injuries. She walks us through some of the mental drills that can help us alter our internal conversation, and see injuries as opportunities for growth, rather than obstacles. Carrie reminds us that reaching out for support and getting access to mental health is never a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. She also emphasises that injury is a part of the journey that all athletes go through. We are never alone in this hard experience, and being injured does not make us a worse or a weaker athlete. “Your recovery is now your sport, and all of the energy and effort you are putting into competition now needs to go into your recovery” - Carrie Cheadle, Injury Psychologist and VIS Expert™.