Take A Vote and Accept Your Loss

Voice of the DBA - A podcast by Steve Jones


I feel differently today than in the past about many of the things I've seen technical people argue about. I've written about Tabs vs. Spaces and Singular vs. Plural, and others have debated commas before or after among other topics. While these might be interesting sidebars at lunch, I see them sometimes devolve into time sinks with teams revisiting the issues over and over during their daily work. These types of religious wars stifle a lot of productivity and often can linger for years. However, in many cases what I see is debate across weeks or months and then time spent to shift the way that large groups of people work inside of a company. In the last few years, I've seen customers argue about which VCS to use, which new CI tool to choose, or even about which secret store to use for their database credentials. Read the rest of Take A Vote and Accept Your Loss