Ep 15: Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance.

Svetski Wake Up Podcast - A podcast by Aleks Svetski


In this video we see the dangers of group identity & the cancer that is collectivism. A group of people decide it’s perfectly ok to behave like Nazi’s, because they identify as a self-proclaimed righteous group of protestors (ie; BLM), and have placards that read “fuck off Nazi’s”. The greatest feat of the Nazi’s, Communists and any other collectivist & authoritarian group is to make YOU think you’re the villain, and to use double-speak like this to give themselves immunity from their actions. These morons wouldn’t even know what Nazi stands for, nor that fascist stems from exactly the societal model they adhere to (ie; communism as a branch of socialism / collectivism). This is exactly the kind of derangement syndrome that people from Peterson to Rand to Rothbard and many before have warned us about. Group identity politics is an application of collectivist ideology and so long as we do not hold the individual as the central & most important component of society, we will devolve into such madness. The collectivist crowd (mob) is able to both make itself immune from bad behaviour because it has a self-endowed moral or ethical high-ground, and at the same time, is able to target individuals of a “different group” that, irrespective of WHO the individual is, are brandished as “evil” or whatever the mob want to label them as. It’s the oldest trick in the game, and people keep falling for it. The day we reintroduce the individual as the centre-piece, and begin to reclaim personal agency and responsibility, is the day we begin to make things better. No group is better than any individual. The individual is the atomic unit and it all starts there. I hope this video serves as a warning.