Ep 19: Bitcoin Preachers Pt 1. Jimmy Song, Jordan Bush, Aleks Svetski. Wake Up Podcast

Svetski Wake Up Podcast - A podcast by Aleks Svetski


On Episode 19 of the Wake Up Podcast, I've got Jimmy Song & Jordan Bush joining me. I was initially intending to save this episode for next year, but the response to "Bitcoin Atheists" was so strong, that I had to record sooner. Similar to the last episode, we dug deep. Definitions for: - God - Religion - Prophets - Spirituality - A higher power - Consciousness - A void that binds / the ultimate being - Love & Connectedness But we also explored key concepts & questions such as: Sacrifice and spiral dynamics. The hero & Sacrifice as a virtue Can you be religious and not believe in god? Can you believe in god, but not be religious? Morality - That which is compatible with life. - Evolutionary or divine? Could religion just be a story to help us cope with the reality of the difficulty of life? What else does it offer? Supernatural & the Metaphysical. - Bitcoin - Christianity And much much more. Follow the guys on Twitter: @JimmySong @JMBushWrites And check out their new book, co-authored with some other brilliant bitcoiners, including my friend Robert Breedlove. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P3Z2H48/ ____________________________________ Thanks again for listening. Subscribe on YouTube, Anchor, Spotify: https://anchor.fm/wakeuppod And follow me on Twitter @AleksSvetski & https://svetski.medium.com More coming soon!