Ep 9: MMT = MORON Monetary Theorists

Svetski Wake Up Podcast - A podcast by Aleks Svetski


This episode was inspired by a Tinder debate...of all things. What I thought was going to be an interesting discussion, evolved into a debate with someone who believes that “free markets” have somehow been disproven, that money is an illusion, and that the core problem with the world is lack of regulation with respect to large corporates who exist to rape & pilliage society and it’s people. When confronted with ideas like the cantillon effect; the only response she could muster was: “it’s not that simple; central banks do not have that much power”. She claimed to want to do “help people” and then basically stated that “individuals are too incompetent & (in her words) irrational to make decisions on their own”, and as a result we should have regulations which enforce limits on growth. I was clearly triggered and I wish I saved the damn conversation but she deleted / blocked me on tinder before I could do so..hahahaha Oh well - at least it inspired this video, which I hope you enjoy. As usual, subscribe, share and follow me on both twitter & medium @AleksSvetski