Keeping kids safe online

Wake Up to Money - A podcast by BBC Radio 5 live


One in five internet users in the UK is a child. But they're often using games, apps and websites that are not designed for them. A new code is published today by the Information Commissioner and by the end of next year it's expected to be law. It's aimed at those who make games, software, apps and social media platforms and will require them put children's privacy and safety first. Sean & Mickey look at what the problem is and how the Information Commissioner's Office plans to tackle it. Plus the real cost of "presenteeism". Why are so many of us coming to work when we're struggling with mental health problems. And what next in the perennial global problem of how best to tax the tech titans? France has now put its plans to levy a 3% tax on the revenues of giants like Google and Amazon on hold after the US threatened to impose tariffs on French products.