Episode 149: A- Assess, Prevent, and Treat Pain with Joanna Stollings, PharmD
Walking Home From The ICU - A podcast by Kali

The A of the ABCDEF Bundle is for "Assess, Prevent, and Treat Pain". How do we truly master this tool and how does this impact patient outcomes? Can we assess, prevent, and treat pain while simultaneously striving to have all possible patients awake, autonomous, and even mobile? Joanna Stollings, PharmD, shares what the A of the ABCDEF Bundle really means and how to master it for each patient. www.DaytonICUConsulting.com ***Financial Benefits of the ABCDEF Bundle Webinar*** October 18th, 2022 at 12pm EST Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4173781755?pwd=RHFhYml0Vlc2ZTNJcEJiVURIS1hrQT09 ***Early Mobility Conference April 14-16th in Orlando, FL*** https://www.earlymobility.com/2024conference