Episode 153: D- Assess, Prevent, and Treat Delirium with Dr. Adrian Austin

Walking Home From The ICU - A podcast by Kali

The normality of delirium in the ICU is often mistaken for benign. What does it really mean to "assess, prevent, and treat delirium"? Are we treating a positive CAM score with the same urgency as a positive tropinin? If we are automatically starting deliriogenic medications on every patient immediately upon intubation, are we truly practicing the "D" of the ABCDEF Bundle? Dr. Adrian Austin shares with us the full picture of the "D" of the ABCDEF bundle. Citations and transcriptions for all episodes found at www.daytonicuconsulting.com ***Early Mobility Conference April 14-16th in Orlando, FL*** https://www.earlymobility.com/2024conference