Nest's Rebecca Van Bergen - the Handworker Economy

WARDROBE CRISIS with Clare Press - A podcast by Clare Press - Wednesdays


Did you know that handwork, or craft, is the second largest employer of women in emerging economies? Since a large proportion of them work from home, this is an often hidden and unregulated sector. Post Rana Plaza, there’s been more attention on garment factories, but how often do we consider outworkers - homeworkers - who are often contracted by third parties? This week’s guest is Rebecca van Bergen, founder of fab New York-based NGO, Nest. They are on a mission to “build a new handworker economy to increase global workforce inclusivity, improve women’s wellbeing beyond factories, and preserve important cultural traditions around the world.” In this interview, we discuss what it takes to make it as a social entrepreneur, the importance of practical plan as well as a big vision, the familiar story of women's work being values and what's being done about it.  Enjoying the show? Don't forget to hit subscribe, and please tell your friends! Connect with Clare on Instagram and Twitter, @mprsress Head to for detailed shownotes.