Episode 32: Ultra Orthodox Judaism, One of Us and Unorthodox

Warped Zone - A podcast by Warped Zone


This week we discuss Ultra Orthodox Judaism focusing on the documentary One of Us and the new mini-series Unorthodox based on the book by Deborah Feldman. Warped Zone is a podcast on scifi, philosophy, religion, politics, gaming and anything else taboo. Run by Benn Banasik and Tara BM Smith, two PhD studies of religion candidates with a shared love of good coffee and cats. Warped Zone can be found on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warpedzonepodcast Our Discord chat: https://discord.gg/jyXyBzk Benn Banasik can be contacted on twitter: www.twitter.com/bennbanasik Tara BM Smith can be contact on twitter: www.twitter.com/tarabluemoon Interview with Deborah Feldman: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/specialbroadcasts/deborah-feldman-in-conversation-with-sarah-kanowski/12308392?fbclid=IwAR3-vqPmj9yUoJc5dJZAdEtjoQ9yRFvJ5iAqG0RiIVMJNefS-G_3upeCZE0