S5 E12: The Mongolian Khulan | Nomads on the Edge

WCS Wild Audio - A podcast by Wildlife Conservation Society

The khulan - a species of wild equid - is a true nomad, covering distances unmatched by any other land mammal. Yet, their survival in Mongolia’s harsh Gobi desert is a constant battle. Populations already strained by overhunting and harsh winters – exacerbated by climate change – are now facing a growing threat from rapid road and railway construction, which fragments the landscape and cuts them off from essential resources. Now, WCS is developing innovative solutions that benefit both this vital species and the local communities that share its habitat. WCS wishes to thank Cartier for Nature for their invaluable support of WCS Mongolia’s efforts with local communities.  To learn more about Cartier for Nature visit cartierfornature.org.We also extend our deepest gratitude to Fondation Segré for their commitment to khulan conservation in Mongolia.  To learn more about Fondation Segré, visit fondationsegre.org.Reporting: Hannah KaplanGuests: Buuveibaatar Bayarbaatar, Bayarmaa Chuluunbat, Batbayar Galtbalt