#MM01 – Q&A Mondays with Moshe Lang: Professional Control, Career Satisfaction & Language in Therapy

We All Wear It Differently - A Podcast for Early Career Psychologists - A podcast by Psychology podcast host Amy Felman


This is Episode 1 of a new Q and A series with psychologist Moshe Lang, Australia's best known family therapist, renowned author and teacher.   Every fortnight WAWID listeners send me questions to ask Moshe.  These questions can be be about anything to do with his journey, therapy or in the field of mental health. Moshe is an incredibly curious person, and loves a challenge - he tells me he'll tackle anything sent his way.  This weeks questions are: 1)  Moshe, coming from another country, and having English as your second language, how did this impact your work in Australia? 2) Moshe, I noticed in your interview with Amy that you talked about control as one of the thing that has kept you going in your career and has satisfied you in your work. However, in my own personal experience, it has been acceptance and mindfulness that has enabled me to cope.  What are your thoughts on this? For more information on Moshe Lang or to send in a question check out the website.