42 | Leah Way is Not Just your Regular Ferrier!

We Can Hustle - A podcast by Shelby Olyschlager


The things we can learn from each part of our equine TEAM! Remember, we need a team to succeed, even though its an independent sport. Our hoof specialist can teach us so much about our equine pattern and we can learn so much from our Ferriers!Enjoy this episode with Leah Way and Shelby Olyschlager. We Can Hustle Work with me!Apply here >> https://go.wecanhustle.com/coaching Mad Barn CODESUSA - https://wecanhustle.com/madbarnusaCanada - https://wecanhustle.com/madbarncanadaSubscibe for more FREE contentYoutube: https://wecanhustle.com/youtubeInstagram: https://wecanhustle.com/instagramFacebook: https://wecanhustle.com/facebookPREPARE YOURSELF FOR SHOW SEASON WITH A MINI COURSE:  https://go.wecanhustle.com/homepageSupport the showJoin Shelby in The Riders SocietyWe Can Hustle Resources Join the NewsletterPs. do you have a special something something you think is worth sharing into the world? We would love to have you on the show and give you the platform you deserve - Click here to schedule a recorded conversation with Shelby